Ever had an alarm go off and police refuse to come until you have visual proof a crime is in progress?
It’s called a verified response law. These laws aim to reduce the number of false alarms called in to police, but they can place a significant burden on property managers and security teams. It’s important to know whether your city or county has them – not only so you are prepared in an emergency, but also because repeated police visits due to a faulty alarm can cause your property to be ticketed with escalating fines. Repeated offenses can even result in suspension of alarm permits.
We looked around to see which cities are known today for their strict verified response policies and here they are, ranked.
And don’t get too excited Detroit - you were #6!
The good news is that proptech solutions like AI Surveillance and Remote Guarding are drastically reducing the need for Verified Response ordinances. Compared to the 95+% false alarm rates associated with traditional residential alarms, in 2024, properties with Cloudastructure’s remote guarding services enjoyed a 6.2% false alarm rate.
That’s a pretty dramatic drop in false positives. What’s more, with Remote Guards, properties can automatically meet the standard for Verified Response in the event of a potential threat - guards can download footage to law enforcement with just a click.
The Power of Remote Guarding extends well beyond the gates of the multifamily properties they serve. By reducing false alarm rates, property managers are helping to optimize police resources. Equally, they are lowering incident rates and that in turn reduces local crime rates. All of which improves property values and most notably, the safety of staff, residents, and visitors alike.
Learn more about Cloudastructure’s Remote Guarding - the only seamless remote guarding software in the industry with the only proprietary guard services for end-to-end security.
Or download our free white paper on The Power of Remote Guarding.